The word GLAMOUR can also be spelled GLAMOR. I prefer to spell it with the "u" as it seems to add a bit more glamour to the word.
The dictionary defines the word as follows:[glam-er]
1. the quality of fascinating, alluring, or attracting, especially by a combination of charm and good looks.
2. excitement, adventure, and unusual activity: the glamour of being an explorer.
3. magic or enchantment; spell; witchery.
4. suggestive or full of glamour; glamorous: a glamour job in television; glamour stocks.
Also, glam·or.
1710–20; earlier glammar, dissimilated variant of grammar in sense of occult learning
What does the word glamour mean to you? What do you find to be glamourous?
I think glamour with the 'u' looks better too.